Saturday 2 January 2010

Icy and sunny new year

With Jim gone down with a bug and me recovering from the same bug, we didn't manage the longer new year's day walk that we often do - but nevertheless Tys and I were out for around an hour in the morning and another hour in the evening and again today. It's very cold and icy - the river flooded its banks a few days ago and much of the lying water is now ice, like the patch that Tyse nearly slipped into in the photo.

Yesterday I thought there was very little around - though when I stopped and looked into the trees at the edge of the arable field in Bury meadow there was a large brown bird perched not far from the rooks. It was at quite a distance so difficult to tell exactly what it was but from its size in relation to the rooks think it must have been a buzzard (though I did wonder about a tawny owl as it looked quite squat - but checking on its size it seemed to be much too big for that). I also saw the kestrel hunting in the morning. Interestingly it always seems to hunt around the ungrazed, rougher grass. Then when I went out again in the afternoon a kesrel was perched in the hedgerow (difficult to tell from the photo - I might have got closer but the dog walkers in front disturbed it...)

We walked onto the bridge in Newport having left the field and the flooded area was quite extensive (see photo).

Today it is also very cold but not quite as cold as yesterday and again very bright. We walked round the bury common river walk again (though the path over the stile by the mill is not passable because of the floods). Disturbed an egret which flew off quite close -very beautiful. We stopped along the river and watched the finches in the trees on the other side. There is a small clearing that is at the edge of woodland and quite rich in birds (and full of rabbits). There were several tits including some long tailed tits. Twenty years ago we didn't see many of these at all here but they are quite common now though we haven't seen them in the garden recently. Whilst I was watching I also saw a treecreeper - and had quite a good view as it flew from tree to tree. The river had little life on it, just a couple of mallards - and also a little grebe which was very shy.

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